wined3d: Add support for VBOs to the drawing code.
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/device.c b/dlls/wined3d/device.c
index 6f21aed..eaada8c 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/device.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/device.c
@@ -5107,14 +5107,10 @@
     IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This = (IWineD3DDeviceImpl *)iface;
     IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl *SrcImpl = (IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl *) pVertexDecl;
     WineDirect3DVertexStridedData strided;
-    HRESULT hr;
     TRACE("(%p)->(%d,%d,%d,%p,%p,%ld\n", This, SrcStartIndex, DestIndex, VertexCount, pDestBuffer, pVertexDecl, Flags);
-    hr = IWineD3DDevice_SetFVF(iface, SrcImpl->fvf);
-    hr = IWineD3DDevice_SetStreamSource(iface, 0, pVertexDecl, get_flexible_vertex_size(SrcImpl->fvf) * SrcStartIndex, get_flexible_vertex_size(SrcImpl->fvf));
     memset(&strided, 0, sizeof(strided));
-    primitiveConvertToStridedData(iface, &strided, 0);
+    primitiveConvertFVFtoOffset(SrcImpl->fvf, get_flexible_vertex_size(SrcImpl->fvf), SrcImpl->resource.allocatedMemory + get_flexible_vertex_size(SrcImpl->fvf) * SrcStartIndex, &strided, 0);
     return process_vertices_strided(This, DestIndex, VertexCount, &strided, SrcImpl->fvf, (IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl *) pDestBuffer, Flags);
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c b/dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c
index 65a3df1..7d30172 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/drawprim.c
@@ -360,7 +360,8 @@
      BOOL useVertexShaderFunction,
      WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *strided,
      LONG BaseVertexIndex, 
-     DWORD *fvf) {
+     DWORD *fvf,
+     BOOL *fixup) {
      /* We need to deal with frequency data!*/
@@ -384,15 +385,23 @@
     /* Translate the declaration into strided data */
     for (i = 0 ; i < vertexDeclaration->declarationWNumElements - 1; ++i) {
+        GLint streamVBO = 0;
         element = vertexDeclaration->pDeclarationWine + i;
         TRACE("%p Elements %p %d or %d\n", vertexDeclaration->pDeclarationWine, element,  i, vertexDeclaration->declarationWNumElements);
         if (This->stateBlock->streamIsUP) {
             TRACE("Stream is up %d, %p\n", element->Stream, This->stateBlock->streamSource[element->Stream]);
+            streamVBO = 0;
             data    = (BYTE *)This->stateBlock->streamSource[element->Stream];
+            if(fixup && *fixup) FIXME("Missing fixed and unfixed vertices, expect graphics glitches\n");
         } else {
             TRACE("Stream isn't up %d, %p\n", element->Stream, This->stateBlock->streamSource[element->Stream]);
-            data    = IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_GetMemory(This->stateBlock->streamSource[element->Stream], 0);
+            IWineD3DVertexBuffer_PreLoad(This->stateBlock->streamSource[element->Stream]);
+            data    = IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_GetMemory(This->stateBlock->streamSource[element->Stream], 0, &streamVBO);
+            if(fixup) {
+                if( streamVBO != 0) *fixup = TRUE;
+                else if(*fixup) FIXME("Missing fixed and unfixed vertices, expect graphics glitches\n");
+            }
         stride  = This->stateBlock->streamStride[element->Stream];
         data += (BaseVertexIndex * stride);
@@ -401,11 +410,13 @@
         TRACE("Offset %d Stream %d UsageIndex %d\n", element->Offset, element->Stream, element->UsageIndex);
-        if (useVertexShaderFunction && reg != -1 && data) {
+        if (useVertexShaderFunction && reg != -1 && (data || streamVBO) ) {
             WINED3DGLTYPE glType = glTypeLookup[element->Type];
             TRACE("(%p) : Set vertex attrib pointer: reg 0x%08x, d3d type 0x%08x, stride 0x%08lx, data %p)\n", This, reg, element->Type, stride, data);
+            GL_EXTCALL(glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, streamVBO));
+            checkGLcall("glBindBufferARB");
             GL_EXTCALL(glVertexAttribPointerARB(reg, glType.size, glType.glType, glType.normalized, stride, data));
@@ -419,6 +430,7 @@
                     strided->u.s.position.lpData    = data;
                     strided->u.s.position.dwType    = element->Type;
                     strided->u.s.position.dwStride  = stride;
+                    strided->u.s.position.VBO       = streamVBO;
                     TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "position", data, element->Type, stride);
                 case 1: /* tweened see */
@@ -426,6 +438,7 @@
                     strided->u.s.position2.lpData    = data;
                     strided->u.s.position2.dwType    = element->Type;
                     strided->u.s.position2.dwStride  = stride;
+                    strided->u.s.position2.VBO      = streamVBO;
                     TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "position2", data, element->Type, stride);
@@ -436,6 +449,7 @@
                     strided->u.s.normal.lpData    = data;
                     strided->u.s.normal.dwType    = element->Type;
                     strided->u.s.normal.dwStride  = stride;
+                    strided->u.s.normal.VBO       = streamVBO;
                     TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "normal", data, element->Type, stride);
                 case 1: /* skinning */
@@ -443,6 +457,7 @@
                     strided->u.s.normal2.lpData    = data;
                     strided->u.s.normal2.dwType    = element->Type;
                     strided->u.s.normal2.dwStride  = stride;
+                    strided->u.s.normal2.VBO       = streamVBO;
                     TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "normal2", data, element->Type, stride);
@@ -455,18 +470,21 @@
             strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.lpData  = data;
             strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.dwType  = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.dwStride= stride;
+            strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.VBO     = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "blendMatrixIndices", data, element->Type, stride);
             strided->u.s.blendWeights.lpData        = data;
             strided->u.s.blendWeights.dwType        = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.blendWeights.dwStride      = stride;
+            strided->u.s.blendWeights.VBO           = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "blendWeights", data, element->Type, stride);
         case D3DDECLUSAGE_PSIZE:
             strided->u.s.pSize.lpData               = data;
             strided->u.s.pSize.dwType               = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.pSize.dwStride             = stride;
+            strided->u.s.pSize.VBO                  = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "pSize", data, element->Type, stride);
         case D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR:
@@ -475,12 +493,14 @@
             strided->u.s.diffuse.lpData             = data;
             strided->u.s.diffuse.dwType             = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.diffuse.dwStride           = stride;
+            strided->u.s.diffuse.VBO                = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "diffuse", data, element->Type, stride);
         case 1: /* specular */
             strided->u.s.specular.lpData            = data;
             strided->u.s.specular.dwType            = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.specular.dwStride          = stride;
+            strided->u.s.specular.VBO               = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "specular", data, element->Type, stride);
@@ -493,6 +513,7 @@
             strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].lpData    = data;
             strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType    = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwStride  = stride;
+            strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].VBO       = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s.%d data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "texCoords", textureNo, data, element->Type, stride);
@@ -505,6 +526,7 @@
             strided->u.s.tangent.lpData   = data;
             strided->u.s.tangent.dwType   = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.tangent.dwStride = stride;
+            strided->u.s.tangent.VBO      = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "tangent", data, element->Type, stride);
@@ -516,6 +538,7 @@
             strided->u.s.binormal.lpData   = data;
             strided->u.s.binormal.dwType   = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.binormal.dwStride = stride;
+            strided->u.s.binormal.VBO      = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "binormal", data, element->Type, stride);
@@ -525,6 +548,7 @@
             strided->u.s.tessFactor.lpData   = data;
             strided->u.s.tessFactor.dwType   = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.tessFactor.dwStride = stride;
+            strided->u.s.tessFactor.VBO      = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "tessFactor", data, element->Type, stride);
@@ -534,6 +558,7 @@
                     strided->u.s.position.lpData    = data;
                     strided->u.s.position.dwType    = element->Type;
                     strided->u.s.position.dwStride  = stride;
+                    strided->u.s.position.VBO       = streamVBO;
                     TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "positionT", data, element->Type, stride);
                 case 1: /* skinning */
@@ -544,6 +569,7 @@
                     strided->u.s.position2.lpData    = data;
                     strided->u.s.position2.dwType    = element->Type;
                     strided->u.s.position2.dwStride  = stride;
+                    strided->u.s.position2.VBO       = streamVBO;
                     TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "position2T", data, element->Type, stride);
@@ -563,6 +589,7 @@
             strided->u.s.fog.lpData   = data;
             strided->u.s.fog.dwType   = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.fog.dwStride = stride;
+            strided->u.s.fog.VBO      = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "fog", data, element->Type, stride);
         case D3DDECLUSAGE_DEPTH:
@@ -570,6 +597,7 @@
             strided->u.s.depth.lpData   = data;
             strided->u.s.depth.dwType   = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.depth.dwStride = stride;
+            strided->u.s.depth.VBO      = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "depth", data, element->Type, stride);
         case D3DDECLUSAGE_SAMPLE: /* VertexShader textures */
@@ -577,6 +605,7 @@
             strided->u.s.sample.lpData   = data;
             strided->u.s.sample.dwType   = element->Type;
             strided->u.s.sample.dwStride = stride;
+            strided->u.s.sample.VBO      = streamVBO;
             TRACE("Set strided %s. data %p, type %d. stride %ld\n", "sample", data, element->Type, stride);
@@ -585,16 +614,129 @@
-void primitiveConvertToStridedData(IWineD3DDevice *iface, WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *strided, LONG BaseVertexIndex) {
-    short         LoopThroughTo = 0;
-    short         nStream;
+void primitiveConvertFVFtoOffset(DWORD thisFVF, DWORD stride, BYTE *data, WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *strided, GLint streamVBO) {
     int           numBlends;
     int           numTextures;
     int           textureNo;
     int           coordIdxInfo = 0x00;    /* Information on number of coords supplied */
     int           numCoords[8];           /* Holding place for D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMATx  */
+    /* Either 3 or 4 floats depending on the FVF */
+    /* FIXME: Can blending data be in a different stream to the position data?
+          and if so using the fixed pipeline how do we handle it               */
+    if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_POSITION_MASK) {
+        strided->u.s.position.lpData    = data;
+        strided->u.s.position.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3;
+        strided->u.s.position.dwStride  = stride;
+        strided->u.s.position.VBO       = streamVBO;
+        data += 3 * sizeof(float);
+        if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_XYZRHW) {
+            strided->u.s.position.dwType = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4;
+            data += sizeof(float);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Blending is numBlends * FLOATs followed by a DWORD for UBYTE4 */
+    /** do we have to Check This->stateBlock->renderState[D3DRS_INDEXEDVERTEXBLENDENABLE] ? */
+    numBlends = 1 + (((thisFVF & D3DFVF_XYZB5) - D3DFVF_XYZB1) >> 1);
+    if(thisFVF & D3DFVF_LASTBETA_UBYTE4) numBlends--;
+    if ((thisFVF & D3DFVF_XYZB5 ) > D3DFVF_XYZRHW) {
+        TRACE("Setting blend Weights to %p\n", data);
+        strided->u.s.blendWeights.lpData    = data;
+        strided->u.s.blendWeights.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1 + numBlends - 1;
+        strided->u.s.blendWeights.dwStride  = stride;
+        strided->u.s.blendWeights.VBO       = streamVBO;
+        data += numBlends * sizeof(FLOAT);
+        if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_LASTBETA_UBYTE4) {
+            strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.lpData = data;
+            strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.dwType  = D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4;
+            strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.dwStride= stride;
+            strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.VBO     = streamVBO;
+            data += sizeof(DWORD);
+        }
+    }
+    /* Normal is always 3 floats */
+    if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_NORMAL) {
+        strided->u.s.normal.lpData    = data;
+        strided->u.s.normal.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3;
+        strided->u.s.normal.dwStride  = stride;
+        strided->u.s.normal.VBO     = streamVBO;
+        data += 3 * sizeof(FLOAT);
+    }
+    /* Pointsize is a single float */
+    if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_PSIZE) {
+        strided->u.s.pSize.lpData    = data;
+        strided->u.s.pSize.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1;
+        strided->u.s.pSize.dwStride  = stride;
+        strided->u.s.pSize.VBO       = streamVBO;
+        data += sizeof(FLOAT);
+    }
+    /* Diffuse is 4 unsigned bytes */
+    if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) {
+        strided->u.s.diffuse.lpData    = data;
+        strided->u.s.diffuse.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4;
+        strided->u.s.diffuse.dwStride  = stride;
+        strided->u.s.diffuse.VBO       = streamVBO;
+        data += sizeof(DWORD);
+    }
+    /* Specular is 4 unsigned bytes */
+    if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) {
+        strided->u.s.specular.lpData    = data;
+        strided->u.s.specular.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4;
+        strided->u.s.specular.dwStride  = stride;
+        strided->u.s.specular.VBO       = streamVBO;
+        data += sizeof(DWORD);
+    }
+    /* Texture coords */
+    numTextures   = (thisFVF & D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_MASK) >> D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_SHIFT;
+    coordIdxInfo  = (thisFVF & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; /* 16 is from definition of D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE1, and is 8 (0-7 stages) * 2bits long */
+    /* numTextures indicates the number of texture coordinates supplied */
+    /* However, the first set may not be for stage 0 texture - it all   */
+    /*   depends on D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX.                               */
+    /* The number of bytes for each coordinate set is based off         */
+    /*   D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZEn, which are the bottom 2 bits              */
+    /* So, for each supplied texture extract the coords */
+    for (textureNo = 0; textureNo < numTextures; ++textureNo) {
+        strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].lpData    = data;
+        strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1;
+        strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwStride  = stride;
+        strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].VBO       = streamVBO;
+        numCoords[textureNo] = coordIdxInfo & 0x03;
+        /* Always one set */
+        data += sizeof(float);
+        if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT1) {
+            strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2;
+            data += sizeof(float);
+            if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT2) {
+                strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3;
+                data += sizeof(float);
+                if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT3) {
+                    strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4;
+                    data += sizeof(float);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        coordIdxInfo = coordIdxInfo >> 2; /* Drop bottom two bits */
+    }
+void primitiveConvertToStridedData(IWineD3DDevice *iface, WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *strided, LONG BaseVertexIndex, BOOL *fixup) {
+    short         LoopThroughTo = 0;
+    short         nStream;
+    GLint         streamVBO = 0;
     IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This = (IWineD3DDeviceImpl *)iface;
     /* OK, Now to setup the data locations
@@ -621,9 +763,15 @@
             thisFVF = This->stateBlock->fvf;
             /* Handle memory passed directly as well as vertex buffers */
             if (This->stateBlock->streamIsUP) {
+                streamVBO = 0;
                 data    = (BYTE *)This->stateBlock->streamSource[nStream];
             } else {
-                data = IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_GetMemory(This->stateBlock->streamSource[nStream], 0);
+                IWineD3DVertexBuffer_PreLoad(This->stateBlock->streamSource[nStream]);
+                /* GetMemory binds the VBO */
+                data = IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_GetMemory(This->stateBlock->streamSource[nStream], 0, &streamVBO);
+                if(fixup) {
+                    if(streamVBO != 0 ) *fixup = TRUE;
+                }
         } else {
 #if 0 /* TODO: Vertex shader support */
@@ -639,106 +787,7 @@
         /* Shuffle to the beginning of the vertexes to render and index from there */
         data = data + (BaseVertexIndex * stride);
-        /* Either 3 or 4 floats depending on the FVF */
-        /* FIXME: Can blending data be in a different stream to the position data?
-              and if so using the fixed pipeline how do we handle it               */
-        if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_POSITION_MASK) {
-            strided->u.s.position.lpData    = data;
-            strided->u.s.position.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3;
-            strided->u.s.position.dwStride  = stride;
-            data += 3 * sizeof(float);
-            if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_XYZRHW) {
-                strided->u.s.position.dwType = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4;
-                data += sizeof(float);
-            }
-        }
-        /* Blending is numBlends * FLOATs followed by a DWORD for UBYTE4 */
-        /** do we have to Check This->stateBlock->renderState[D3DRS_INDEXEDVERTEXBLENDENABLE] ? */
-        numBlends = 1 + (((thisFVF & D3DFVF_XYZB5) - D3DFVF_XYZB1) >> 1);
-        if(thisFVF & D3DFVF_LASTBETA_UBYTE4) numBlends--;
-        if ((thisFVF & D3DFVF_XYZB5 ) > D3DFVF_XYZRHW) {
-            TRACE("Setting blend Weights to %p\n", data);
-            strided->u.s.blendWeights.lpData    = data;
-            strided->u.s.blendWeights.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1 + numBlends - 1;
-            strided->u.s.blendWeights.dwStride  = stride;
-            data += numBlends * sizeof(FLOAT);
-            if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_LASTBETA_UBYTE4) {
-                strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.lpData = data;
-                strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.dwType  = D3DDECLTYPE_UBYTE4;
-                strided->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.dwStride= stride;
-                data += sizeof(DWORD);
-            }
-        }
-        /* Normal is always 3 floats */
-        if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_NORMAL) {
-            strided->u.s.normal.lpData    = data;
-            strided->u.s.normal.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3;
-            strided->u.s.normal.dwStride  = stride;
-            data += 3 * sizeof(FLOAT);
-        }
-        /* Pointsize is a single float */
-        if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_PSIZE) {
-            strided->u.s.pSize.lpData    = data;
-            strided->u.s.pSize.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1;
-            strided->u.s.pSize.dwStride  = stride;
-            data += sizeof(FLOAT);
-        }
-        /* Diffuse is 4 unsigned bytes */
-        if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_DIFFUSE) {
-            strided->u.s.diffuse.lpData    = data;
-            strided->u.s.diffuse.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4;
-            strided->u.s.diffuse.dwStride  = stride;
-            data += sizeof(DWORD);
-        }
-        /* Specular is 4 unsigned bytes */
-        if (thisFVF & D3DFVF_SPECULAR) {
-            strided->u.s.specular.lpData    = data;
-            strided->u.s.specular.dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_SHORT4;
-            strided->u.s.specular.dwStride  = stride;
-            data += sizeof(DWORD);
-        }
-        /* Texture coords */
-        numTextures   = (thisFVF & D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_MASK) >> D3DFVF_TEXCOUNT_SHIFT;
-        coordIdxInfo  = (thisFVF & 0x00FF0000) >> 16; /* 16 is from definition of D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZE1, and is 8 (0-7 stages) * 2bits long */
-        /* numTextures indicates the number of texture coordinates supplied */
-        /* However, the first set may not be for stage 0 texture - it all   */
-        /*   depends on D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX.                               */
-        /* The number of bytes for each coordinate set is based off         */
-        /*   D3DFVF_TEXCOORDSIZEn, which are the bottom 2 bits              */
-        /* So, for each supplied texture extract the coords */
-        for (textureNo = 0; textureNo < numTextures; ++textureNo) {
-            strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].lpData    = data;
-            strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType    = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT1;
-            strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwStride  = stride;
-            numCoords[textureNo] = coordIdxInfo & 0x03;
-            /* Always one set */
-            data += sizeof(float);
-            if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT1) {
-                strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT2;
-                data += sizeof(float);
-                if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT2) {
-                    strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3;
-                    data += sizeof(float);
-                    if (numCoords[textureNo] != D3DFVF_TEXTUREFORMAT3) {
-                        strided->u.s.texCoords[textureNo].dwType = D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT4;
-                        data += sizeof(float);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            coordIdxInfo = coordIdxInfo >> 2; /* Drop bottom two bits */
-        }
+        primitiveConvertFVFtoOffset(thisFVF, stride, data, strided, streamVBO);
@@ -879,11 +928,17 @@
     IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This = (IWineD3DDeviceImpl *)iface;
+    GLint curVBO = -1;
 #define LOAD_NUMBERED_ARRAY(_arrayName, _lookupName) \
-    if (sd->u.s._arrayName.lpData != NULL && arrayUsageMap[WINED3DSHADERDECLUSAGE_##_lookupName]) { \
+    if ((sd->u.s._arrayName.lpData != NULL || sd->u.s._arrayName.VBO != 0) && arrayUsageMap[WINED3DSHADERDECLUSAGE_##_lookupName]) { \
         unsigned int idx = arrayUsageMap[WINED3DSHADERDECLUSAGE_##_lookupName] & D3DSP_REGNUM_MASK; \
         TRACE_(d3d_shader)("Loading array %u with data from %s\n", idx,  #_arrayName); \
+        if(curVBO != sd->u.s._arrayName.VBO) { \
+            GL_EXTCALL(glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sd->u.s._arrayName.VBO)); \
+            checkGLcall("glBindBufferARB"); \
+            curVBO = sd->u.s._arrayName.VBO; \
+        } \
         GL_EXTCALL(glVertexAttribPointerARB(idx, \
                         WINED3D_ATR_SIZE(_arrayName), \
                         WINED3D_ATR_GLTYPE(_arrayName), \
@@ -895,9 +950,14 @@
 #define LOAD_NUMBERED_POSITION_ARRAY(_lookupNumber) \
-    if (sd->u.s.position2.lpData != NULL && arrayUsageMap[WINED3DSHADERDECLUSAGE_POSITION2 + _lookupNumber]) { \
+    if ((sd->u.s.position2.lpData != NULL  || sd->u.s.position2.VBO != 0)&& arrayUsageMap[WINED3DSHADERDECLUSAGE_POSITION2 + _lookupNumber]) { \
         unsigned int idx = arrayUsageMap[WINED3DSHADERDECLUSAGE_POSITION2 + _lookupNumber] & D3DSP_REGNUM_MASK; \
         TRACE_(d3d_shader)("Loading array %u with data from %s\n", idx, "position2"); \
+        if(curVBO != sd->u.s.position2.VBO) { \
+            GL_EXTCALL(glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sd->u.s.position2.VBO)); \
+            checkGLcall("glBindBufferARB"); \
+            curVBO = sd->u.s.position2.VBO; \
+        } \
         GL_EXTCALL(glVertexAttribPointerARB(idx, \
                         WINED3D_ATR_SIZE(position2), \
                         WINED3D_ATR_GLTYPE(position2), \
@@ -911,7 +971,7 @@
 /* Generate some lookup tables */
     /* drop the RHW coord, there must be a nicer way of doing this. */
     sd->u.s.position.dwType  = min(D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3, sd->u.s.position.dwType);
-    sd->u.s.position2.dwType = min(D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3, sd->u.s.position.dwType);
+    sd->u.s.position2.dwType = min(D3DDECLTYPE_FLOAT3, sd->u.s.position2.dwType);
@@ -965,11 +1025,12 @@
 static void loadVertexData(IWineD3DDevice *iface, WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *sd) {
     unsigned int textureNo   = 0;
     IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This = (IWineD3DDeviceImpl *)iface;
+    GLint curVBO = -1;
     TRACE("Using fast vertex array code\n");
     /* Blend Data ---------------------------------------------- */
-    if ((sd->u.s.blendWeights.lpData != NULL) ||
-        (sd->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.lpData != NULL)) {
+    if( (sd->u.s.blendWeights.lpData) || (sd->u.s.blendWeights.VBO) ||
+        (sd->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.lpData) || (sd->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.VBO) ) {
@@ -996,13 +1057,19 @@
+            if(curVBO != sd->u.s.blendWeights.VBO) {
+                GL_EXTCALL(glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sd->u.s.blendWeights.VBO));
+                checkGLcall("glBindBufferARB");
+                curVBO = sd->u.s.blendWeights.VBO;
+            }
             GL_EXTCALL(glWeightPointerARB)(WINED3D_ATR_SIZE(blendWeights), WINED3D_ATR_GLTYPE(blendWeights),
-            if(sd->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.lpData != NULL){
+            if((sd->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.lpData) || (sd->u.s.blendMatrixIndices.VBO)){
                 static BOOL showfixme = TRUE;
                     FIXME("blendMatrixIndices support\n");
@@ -1043,7 +1110,7 @@
 #if 0 /* FOG  ----------------------------------------------*/
-    if (sd->u.s.fog.lpData != NULL) {
+    if (sd->u.s.fog.lpData || sd->u.s.fog.VBO) {
         /* TODO: fog*/
@@ -1064,10 +1131,11 @@
 #if 0 /* tangents  ----------------------------------------------*/
-    if (sd->u.s.tangent.lpData != NULL || sd->u.s.binormal.lpData != NULL) {
+    if (sd->u.s.tangent.lpData || sd->u.s.tangent.VBO ||
+        sd->u.s.binormal.lpData || sd->u.s.binormal.VBO) {
         /* TODO: tangents*/
-            if (sd->u.s.tangent.lpData != NULL) {
+            if (sd->u.s.tangent.lpData || sd->u.s.tangent.VBO) {
@@ -1075,7 +1143,7 @@
             } else {
-            if (sd->u.s.binormal.lpData != NULL) {
+            if (sd->u.s.binormal.lpData || sd->u.s.binormal.VBO) {
@@ -1099,7 +1167,7 @@
     /* Point Size ----------------------------------------------*/
-    if (sd->u.s.pSize.lpData != NULL) {
+    if (sd->u.s.pSize.lpData || sd->u.s.pSize.VBO) {
         /* no such functionality in the fixed function GL pipeline */
         TRACE("Cannot change ptSize here in openGl\n");
@@ -1108,20 +1176,34 @@
     /* Vertex Pointers -----------------------------------------*/
-    if (sd->u.s.position.lpData != NULL) {
+    if (sd->u.s.position.lpData != NULL || sd->u.s.position.VBO != 0) {
         /* Note dwType == float3 or float4 == 2 or 3 */
         VTRACE(("glVertexPointer(%ld, GL_FLOAT, %ld, %p)\n",
                 sd->u.s.position.dwType + 1,
+        if(curVBO != sd->u.s.position.VBO) {
+            GL_EXTCALL(glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sd->u.s.position.VBO));
+            checkGLcall("glBindBufferARB");
+            curVBO = sd->u.s.position.VBO;
+        }
         /* min(WINED3D_ATR_SIZE(position),3) to Disable RHW mode as 'w' coord
            handling for rhw mode should not impact screen position whereas in GL it does.
            This may  result in very slightly distored textures in rhw mode, but
            a very minimal different. There's always the other option of
-           fixing the view matrix to prevent w from having any effect  */
-        glVertexPointer(3 /* min(WINED3D_ATR_SIZE(position),3) */, WINED3D_ATR_GLTYPE(position),
-                        sd->u.s.position.dwStride, sd->u.s.position.lpData);
+           fixing the view matrix to prevent w from having any effect
+           This only applies to user pointer sources, in VBOs the vertices are fixed up
+         */
+        if(sd->u.s.position.VBO == 0) {
+            glVertexPointer(3 /* min(WINED3D_ATR_SIZE(position),3) */, WINED3D_ATR_GLTYPE(position),
+                            sd->u.s.position.dwStride, sd->u.s.position.lpData);
+        } else {
+            glVertexPointer(WINED3D_ATR_SIZE(position), WINED3D_ATR_GLTYPE(position),
+                            sd->u.s.position.dwStride, sd->u.s.position.lpData);
+        }
@@ -1132,11 +1214,16 @@
     /* Normals -------------------------------------------------*/
-    if (sd->u.s.normal.lpData != NULL) {
+    if (sd->u.s.normal.lpData || sd->u.s.normal.VBO) {
         /* Note dwType == float3 or float4 == 2 or 3 */
         VTRACE(("glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, %ld, %p)\n",
+        if(curVBO != sd->u.s.normal.VBO) {
+            GL_EXTCALL(glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sd->u.s.normal.VBO));
+            checkGLcall("glBindBufferARB");
+            curVBO = sd->u.s.normal.VBO;
+        }
@@ -1160,12 +1247,17 @@
     /* NOTE: Unless we write a vertex shader to swizel the colour */
     /* , or the user doesn't care and wants the speed advantage   */
-    if (sd->u.s.diffuse.lpData != NULL) {
+    if (sd->u.s.diffuse.lpData || sd->u.s.diffuse.VBO) {
         /* Note dwType == float3 or float4 == 2 or 3 */
         VTRACE(("glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, %ld, %p)\n",
+        if(curVBO != sd->u.s.diffuse.VBO) {
+            GL_EXTCALL(glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sd->u.s.diffuse.VBO));
+            checkGLcall("glBindBufferARB");
+            curVBO = sd->u.s.diffuse.VBO;
+        }
         glColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
@@ -1181,13 +1273,18 @@
     /* Specular Colour ------------------------------------------*/
-    if (sd->u.s.specular.lpData != NULL) {
+    if (sd->u.s.specular.lpData || sd->u.s.specular.VBO) {
         TRACE("setting specular colour\n");
         /* Note dwType == float3 or float4 == 2 or 3 */
         VTRACE(("glSecondaryColorPointer(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, %ld, %p)\n",
+            if(curVBO != sd->u.s.specular.VBO) {
+                GL_EXTCALL(glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sd->u.s.specular.VBO));
+                checkGLcall("glBindBufferARB");
+                curVBO = sd->u.s.specular.VBO;
+            }
             GL_EXTCALL(glSecondaryColorPointerEXT)(4, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE,
@@ -1235,13 +1332,17 @@
                 GL_EXTCALL(glMultiTexCoord4fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo, 0, 0, 0, 1));
-            } else if (sd->u.s.texCoords[coordIdx].lpData == NULL) {
+            } else if (sd->u.s.texCoords[coordIdx].lpData == NULL && sd->u.s.texCoords[coordIdx].VBO == 0) {
                 VTRACE(("Bound texture but no texture coordinates supplied, so skipping\n"));
                 GL_EXTCALL(glMultiTexCoord4fARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB + textureNo, 0, 0, 0, 1));
             } else {
+                if(curVBO != sd->u.s.texCoords[coordIdx].VBO) {
+                    GL_EXTCALL(glBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, sd->u.s.texCoords[coordIdx].VBO));
+                    checkGLcall("glBindBufferARB");
+                    curVBO = sd->u.s.texCoords[coordIdx].VBO;
+                }
                 /* The coords to supply depend completely on the fvf / vertex shader */
                 glTexCoordPointer(WINED3D_ATR_SIZE(texCoords[coordIdx]), WINED3D_ATR_GLTYPE(texCoords[coordIdx]), sd->u.s.texCoords[coordIdx].dwStride, sd->u.s.texCoords[coordIdx].lpData);
@@ -1322,6 +1423,10 @@
     VTRACE(("glBegin(%x)\n", glPrimType));
+    /* We shouldn't start this function if any VBO is involved. Should I put a safety check here?
+     * Guess it's not necessary(we crash then anyway) and would only eat CPU time
+     */
     /* For each primitive */
     for (vx_index = 0; vx_index < NumVertexes; ++vx_index) {
@@ -1743,8 +1848,9 @@
 void inline  drawPrimitiveDrawStrided(IWineD3DDevice *iface, BOOL useVertexShaderFunction, BOOL usePixelShaderFunction, int useHW, WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *dataLocations,
-UINT numberOfvertices, UINT numberOfIndicies, GLenum glPrimType, const void *idxData, short idxSize, int minIndex, long StartIdx) {
+UINT numberOfvertices, UINT numberOfIndicies, GLenum glPrimType, const void *idxData, short idxSize, int minIndex, long StartIdx, BOOL fixup) {
     IWineD3DDeviceImpl *This = (IWineD3DDeviceImpl *)iface;
+    BOOL useDrawStridedSlow;
     /* Now draw the graphics to the screen */
     if  (FALSE /* disable software vs for now */ && useVertexShaderFunction && !useHW) {
@@ -1818,13 +1924,15 @@
         /* If the only vertex data used by the shader is supported by OpenGL then*/
         if (!useVertexShaderFunction &&
-             dataLocations->u.s.pSize.lpData == NULL &&
+           ((dataLocations->u.s.pSize.lpData == NULL &&
              dataLocations->u.s.diffuse.lpData == NULL &&
-             dataLocations->u.s.specular.lpData == NULL) {
+             dataLocations->u.s.specular.lpData == NULL) ||
+             fixup) ) {
             /* Load the vertex data using named arrays */
             TRACE("(%p) Loading vertex data\n", This);
             loadVertexData(iface, dataLocations);
+            useDrawStridedSlow = FALSE;
         } else if(useVertexShaderFunction) {
@@ -1832,8 +1940,10 @@
             loadNumberedArrays(iface, dataLocations, 
                 ((IWineD3DVertexShaderImpl *)This->stateBlock->vertexShader)->arrayUsageMap);
+            useDrawStridedSlow = FALSE;
         } else { /* If this happens we must drawStridedSlow later on */ 
 		TRACE("Not loading vertex data\n");
+		useDrawStridedSlow = TRUE;
         TRACE("Loaded arrays\n");
@@ -1896,10 +2006,7 @@
         /* DirectX colours are in a different format to opengl colours
          * so if diffuse or specular are used then we need to use drawStridedSlow
          * to correct the colours */
-        if (!useVertexShaderFunction &&
-              ((dataLocations->u.s.pSize.lpData        != NULL)
-           || (dataLocations->u.s.diffuse.lpData      != NULL)
-           || (dataLocations->u.s.specular.lpData     != NULL))) {
+        if (useDrawStridedSlow) {
             /* TODO: replace drawStridedSlow with vertex fixups */
             drawStridedSlow(iface, dataLocations, numberOfIndicies, glPrimType,
@@ -2091,6 +2198,7 @@
     WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *dataLocations;
     IWineD3DSwapChainImpl         *swapchain;
     int                           useHW = FALSE, i;
+    BOOL                          fixup = FALSE;
     if (This->stateBlock->vertexShader != NULL && wined3d_settings.vs_mode != VS_NONE 
             &&((IWineD3DVertexShaderImpl *)This->stateBlock->vertexShader)->baseShader.function != NULL
@@ -2131,6 +2239,7 @@
     if(DrawPrimStrideData) {
         TRACE("================ Strided Input ===================\n");
         dataLocations = DrawPrimStrideData;
+        fixup = FALSE;
     else if (This->stateBlock->vertexDecl != NULL || (useVertexShaderFunction  && NULL != ((IWineD3DVertexShaderImpl *)This->stateBlock->vertexShader)->vertexDeclaration)) {
@@ -2140,7 +2249,7 @@
             ERR("Out of memory!\n");
-        primitiveDeclarationConvertToStridedData(iface, useVertexShaderFunction, dataLocations, StartVertexIndex, &fvf);
+        primitiveDeclarationConvertToStridedData(iface, useVertexShaderFunction, dataLocations, StartVertexIndex, &fvf, &fixup);
     } else {
         TRACE("================ FVF ===================\n");
@@ -2149,7 +2258,7 @@
             ERR("Out of memory!\n");
-        primitiveConvertToStridedData(iface, dataLocations, StartVertexIndex);
+        primitiveConvertToStridedData(iface, dataLocations, StartVertexIndex, &fixup);
     /* write out some debug information*/
@@ -2171,7 +2280,7 @@
     /* Now initialize the materials state */
-    init_materials(iface, (dataLocations->u.s.diffuse.lpData != NULL));
+    init_materials(iface, (dataLocations->u.s.diffuse.lpData != NULL || dataLocations->u.s.diffuse.VBO != 0));
@@ -2188,7 +2297,7 @@
         if (numberOfVertices == 0 )
             numberOfVertices = calculatedNumberOfindices;
-        drawPrimitiveDrawStrided(iface, useVertexShaderFunction, usePixelShaderFunction, useHW, dataLocations, numberOfVertices, calculatedNumberOfindices, glPrimType, idxData, idxSize, minIndex, StartIdx);
+        drawPrimitiveDrawStrided(iface, useVertexShaderFunction, usePixelShaderFunction, useHW, dataLocations, numberOfVertices, calculatedNumberOfindices, glPrimType, idxData, idxSize, minIndex, StartIdx, fixup);
     if(!DrawPrimStrideData) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dataLocations);
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/vertexbuffer.c b/dlls/wined3d/vertexbuffer.c
index ef0ee2f..57b14c0 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/vertexbuffer.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/vertexbuffer.c
@@ -152,8 +152,9 @@
-BYTE* WINAPI IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_GetMemory(IWineD3DVertexBuffer* iface, DWORD iOffset) {
+BYTE* WINAPI IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_GetMemory(IWineD3DVertexBuffer* iface, DWORD iOffset, GLint *vbo) {
     IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl *This = (IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl *)iface;
+    *vbo = 0;
     return This->resource.allocatedMemory + iOffset;
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h b/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h
index 5dcda2f..fd51dcf 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h
@@ -357,9 +357,21 @@
                     int   minIndex,
                     WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *DrawPrimStrideData);
-void primitiveConvertToStridedData(IWineD3DDevice *iface,
-                                   WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *strided,
-                                   LONG BaseVertexIndex);
+void primitiveConvertToStridedData(IWineD3DDevice *iface, WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *strided, LONG BaseVertexIndex, BOOL *fixup);
+void primitiveDeclarationConvertToStridedData(
+     IWineD3DDevice *iface,
+     BOOL useVertexShaderFunction,
+     WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *strided,
+     LONG BaseVertexIndex, 
+     DWORD *fvf,
+     BOOL *fixup);
+void primitiveConvertFVFtoOffset(DWORD thisFVF,
+                                 DWORD stride,
+                                 BYTE *data,
+                                 WineDirect3DVertexStridedData *strided,
+                                 GLint streamVBO);
 DWORD get_flexible_vertex_size(DWORD d3dvtVertexType);
@@ -615,10 +627,24 @@
     /* WineD3DVertexBuffer specifics */
     DWORD                     fvf;
+    /* Vertex buffer object support */
+    GLuint                    vbo;
+    BYTE                      Flags;
+    UINT                      stream;
+    UINT                      dirtystart, dirtyend;
+    /* Last description of the buffer */
+    WineDirect3DVertexStridedData strided;
 } IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl;
 extern const IWineD3DVertexBufferVtbl IWineD3DVertexBuffer_Vtbl;
+#define VBFLAG_LOAD           0x01    /* Data is written from allocatedMemory to the VBO */
+#define VBFLAG_OPTIMIZED      0x02    /* Optimize has been called for the VB */
+#define VBFLAG_DIRTY          0x04    /* Buffer data has been modified */
+#define VBFLAG_STREAM         0x08    /* The vertex buffer is in a stream */
+#define VBFLAG_HASDESC        0x10    /* A vertex description has been found */
  * IWineD3DIndexBuffer implementation structure (extends IWineD3DResourceImpl)
@@ -1220,7 +1246,7 @@
     extern BOOL WINAPI IWineD3DBaseTextureImpl_SetDirty(IWineD3DBaseTexture *iface, BOOL);
     extern BOOL WINAPI IWineD3DBaseTextureImpl_GetDirty(IWineD3DBaseTexture *iface);
-    extern BYTE* WINAPI IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_GetMemory(IWineD3DVertexBuffer* iface, DWORD iOffset);
+    extern BYTE* WINAPI IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_GetMemory(IWineD3DVertexBuffer* iface, DWORD iOffset, GLint *vbo);
     extern HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DVertexBufferImpl_ReleaseMemory(IWineD3DVertexBuffer* iface);
     extern HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DBaseTextureImpl_BindTexture(IWineD3DBaseTexture *iface);
     extern HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DBaseTextureImpl_UnBindTexture(IWineD3DBaseTexture *iface);
diff --git a/include/wine/wined3d_types.h b/include/wine/wined3d_types.h
index ec8af75..f097bf0 100644
--- a/include/wine/wined3d_types.h
+++ b/include/wine/wined3d_types.h
@@ -898,6 +898,7 @@
     BYTE     *lpData;        /* Pointer to start of data               */
     DWORD     dwStride;      /* Stride between occurances of this data */
     DWORD     dwType;        /* Type (as in D3DVSDT_TYPE)              */
+    int       VBO;           /* Vertex buffer object this data is in   */
 } WineDirect3DStridedData;
 typedef struct WineDirect3DVertexStridedData {