Added script to update dlls dependencies.

diff --git a/dlls/make_dlls b/dlls/make_dlls
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..05dd5a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/make_dlls
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+# Update the dll dependencies in the dlls main
+# Must be run in the dlls/ directory of the Wine tree.
+# Copyright 2001 Alexandre Julliard
+$makefiles = `find . -name -print`;
+%imports = ();
+%directories = ();
+%altnames = ();
+foreach $i (split(/\s/,$makefiles))
+    open MAKE,$i;
+    while (<MAKE>)
+    {
+        chop;
+        if (/^MODULE\s*=\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)/)
+        {
+            $module = $1;
+            ($directories{$module} = $i) =~ s/^\.\/(.*)\/[^\/]+$/$1/;
+            next;
+        }
+        if (/^ALTNAMES\s*=\s*(.*)/)
+        {
+            my @list = split(/\s/,$1);
+            $altnames{$module} = \@list;
+            next;
+        }
+    }
+foreach $mod (sort keys %directories)
+    my $spec = sprintf("%s/%s.spec", $directories{$mod}, $mod);
+    open SPEC,$spec or die "cannot open $spec";
+    $imports{$mod} = [ ];
+    while (<SPEC>)
+    {
+        if (/^\#?import\s+(-delay\s+)?([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.dll/)
+        {
+            my $imp = $2;
+            push @{$imports{$mod}}, $imp;
+            next;
+        }
+        if (/^\#?import\s+(-delay\s+)?([a-zA-Z0-9_.]+)/)
+        {
+            my $imp = $2;
+            push @{$imports{$mod}}, $imp;
+            next;
+        }
+    }
+open OLDMAKE,"" or die "cannot open";
+open NEWMAKE,">" or die "cannot create";
+while (<OLDMAKE>)
+    last if (/^EXTRADLLNAMES/);
+    print NEWMAKE $_;
+close OLDMAKE;
+foreach $extra (values %altnames) { push @extra, @$extra; }
+foreach $extra (sort @extra)
+    printf NEWMAKE " \\\n\t%s", $extra;
+printf NEWMAKE "\n\nSUBDIRS =";
+foreach $dir (sort values %directories)
+    printf NEWMAKE " \\\n\t%s", $dir;
+printf NEWMAKE "\n";
+print NEWMAKE <<EOF;
+all: \$(DLLS:%=lib%.\@LIBEXT\@) \$(EXTRADLLNAMES:%=lib%.\@LIBEXT\@)
+# Map library name to directory
+foreach $mod (sort keys %directories)
+    my $count = 0;
+    printf NEWMAKE "lib%s.\@LIBEXT\@", $mod;
+    foreach $i (sort @{$altnames{$mod}})
+    {
+        if ($count++ >= 3)
+        {
+            $count = 0;
+            printf NEWMAKE " \\\n ";
+        }
+        printf NEWMAKE " lib%s.\@LIBEXT\@", $i;
+    }
+    printf NEWMAKE ": %s/lib%s.\@LIBEXT\@\n", $directories{$mod}, $mod;
+    printf NEWMAKE "\t\$(RM) \$@ && \$(LN_S) %s/lib%s.\@LIBEXT\@ \$@\n\n", $directories{$mod}, $mod;
+print NEWMAKE "# Inter-dll dependencies (only necessary for dynamic libs)\n\n";
+my @depends = ();
+foreach $mod (sort keys %imports)
+    next unless $#{$imports{$mod}} >= 0;
+    my $dep = sprintf("%s/lib%s.\@LIBEXT\@:", $directories{$mod}, $mod);
+    foreach $i (@{$imports{$mod}})
+    {
+        $dep .= sprintf(" lib%s.\@LIBEXT\@", $i);
+    }
+    push @depends, $dep . "\n";
+print NEWMAKE sort @depends;
+print NEWMAKE <<EOF;
+\$(DLLFILES): dummy
+	\@cd `dirname \$\@` && \$(MAKE)
+\$(DLLFILES:%=%_install_): dummy
+	\@cd `dirname \$\@` && \$(MAKE) install
+\$(DLLFILES:%=%_uninstall_): dummy
+	\@cd `dirname \$\@` && \$(MAKE) uninstall
+\$(DLLFILES:%=%_checklink_): dummy
+	\@cd `dirname \$\@` && \$(MAKE) checklink
+install:: \$(DLLFILES:%=%_install_)
+uninstall:: \$(DLLFILES:%=%_uninstall_)
+checklink:: \$(DLLFILES:%=%_checklink_)
+close NEWMAKE;
+rename "", "";
+printf "Successfully updated\n";