Improved registry isolation possibilities.
diff --git a/wine.ini b/wine.ini
index 3630df7..a995dc8 100644
--- a/wine.ini
+++ b/wine.ini
@@ -125,13 +125,25 @@
; Paths must be given in /dir/dir/file.reg format.
; Wine will not understand dos file names here...
-;UserFileName=xxx ; alternate registry file name (user.reg)
-;LocalMachineFileName=xxx ; (system.reg)
+AltCurrentUserFile= ; alternate registry file name: HKCU
+AltUserFile= ; alternate registry file name: HKU
+AltLocalMachineFile= ; alternate registry file name: HKLM
+;These are all booleans. Y/y/T/t/1 are true, N/n/F/f/0 are false.
+;Defaults are read all, write to Home and Alt
+;Note: it is pointless to specify alt files and neither load nor write to them.
+LoadGlobalRegistryFiles=Y ; Global registries (stored in /etc)
+LoadHomeRegistryFiles=Y ; Home registries (stored in ~user/.wine/)
+LoadWindowsRegistryFiles=Y ; Windows registries in windows path, above
+LoadAltRegistryFiles=Y ; Load above registries.
+WritetoHomeRegitsryFiles=Y ; TRY to write all changes to home registries
+WritetoAltRegistryFiles=Y ; TRY to write all changes to alt registries
;; WineLook=xxx (supported styles are 'Win31'(default), 'Win95', 'Win98')