Removed alternative make scripts.

diff --git a/programs/control/lccmake.bat b/programs/control/lccmake.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index f92de02..0000000
--- a/programs/control/lccmake.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@


-rem   this is a quick and dirty batch file to recompile control.exe

-rem   in a native windows environment using LCC. You may want to edit 

-rem   the following line, which should point to your LCC base directory:





-rem   ---------------------------------------------------

-rem    it's safe not to change anything behind this line

-rem   ---------------------------------------------------


-if exist control.obj del control.obj

-%LCCDIR%\bin\lcc.exe -g2 -I%LCCDIR%\include\ -DWIN32 control.c

-%LCCDIR%\bin\lcclnk.exe -o control2.exe control.obj %LCCDIR%\lib\shell32.lib

-if exist control.obj del control.obj



diff --git a/programs/notepad/lccmake b/programs/notepad/lccmake
deleted file mode 100644
index e3b684c..0000000
--- a/programs/notepad/lccmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-#  Makefile for LCC-WIN32
-#  Copyright 1999 Marcel Baur (
-#  To be distributed under the Wine License
-#  Use  lccmake -f lccmake  to use this makefile
-#  See for 
-#  information about LCC-WIN32
-# LCC home directory
-# individual flags for LCC, LCCLNK, LRC
-LNKFLAGS=-O winepad.exe -subsystem windows
-LRCFLAGS=/r /v /m
-# available languages
-# default language
-# required include libraries
-# object files
-OBJS=main.obj dialog.obj license.obj license_En.obj language.obj
-# ---[   it is save not to change anything behind this line   ]--- #
-winepad.exe:    $(OBJS) resources
-                $(LCCHOME)\bin\lcclnk $(LNKFLAGS) $(OBJS) notepad.res $(LIBS)
-                @echo *** "winepad.exe" successfully created
-resources:      $(RESOURCES)
-                FOR %%i IN ($(LANGUAGES)) DO $(LCCHOME)\bin\lrc $(LRCFLAGS) %%i.rc
-                copy /b $(LANGUAGE).res notepad.res
-                if exist winepad.exe    erase winepad.exe
-                if exist main.obj       erase main.obj
-                if exist dialog.obj     erase dialog.obj
-                if exist license.obj    erase license.obj
-                if exist license_En.obj erase license_En.obj
-                if exist language.obj   erase language.obj
-                if exist notepad.res    erase notepad.res
-                FOR %%i IN ($(LANGUAGES)) DO IF EXIST %%i.res erase %%i.res
-                FOR %%i IN ($(LANGUAGES)) DO IF EXIST erase
-                @echo lccmake help      - display this help
-                @echo lccmake           - to compile winepad.exe
-                @echo lccmake resources - to compile .res files
-                @echo lccmake clean     - to clean up
-# some more targets (for novice users and compatibility reasons only)
-distclean:      clean
-                @echo *** next time please use "lccmake clean"
-all:            winepad.exe
-                @echo *** next time please use "lccmake" (without parameters)
-# please make sure that at least one empty line follows this statement
diff --git a/programs/view/lccmakefile b/programs/view/lccmakefile
deleted file mode 100644
index dbd19ae..0000000
--- a/programs/view/lccmakefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-WINE = ../../wine
-LCCINC = c:\\lcc\\include
-OBJS = view.obj init.obj winmain.obj 
-RES = viewrc.res
-.SUFFIXES: .rc .obj .res
-	$(WINE) "lcc -I$(LCCINC) $<"
-	$(WINE) "lrc $<"
-view.exe: $(OBJS) $(RES)
-	$(WINE) "lcclnk $(OBJS) $(RES)"
-	rm *.exe *.obj *.res
diff --git a/programs/wcmd/makefile.bcc b/programs/wcmd/makefile.bcc
deleted file mode 100644
index 910e9c1..0000000
--- a/programs/wcmd/makefile.bcc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-!ifndef BCB
-BCB = $(MAKEDIR)\..
-PROJECT = wcmd.exe
-OBJFILES = builtins.obj wcmdmain.obj directory.obj batch.obj
-RESFILES = wcmdrc.rc
-CFLAG1 = -c
-PFLAGS = -U$(BCB)\lib\obj -jph -m 
-LFLAGS = -ap -Tpe -c -x -L$(BCB)\lib;$(BCB)\lib\obj;C:\BC\LIB 
-IFLAGS = -i
-LINKER = tlink32
-ALLOBJ = c0x32.obj $(OBJFILES)
-ALLLIB = $(LIBFILES) noeh32.lib import32.lib cw32mt.lib
-# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    $(BCB)\BIN\$(LINKER) @&&!
-    $(LFLAGS) +
-    $(ALLOBJ), +
-    $(PROJECT),, +
-    $(ALLLIB), +
-    $(DEFFILE), +
-    $(ALLRES)
-    $(BCB)\BIN\bcc32 $(CFLAG1) $(CFLAG2) -o$* $*
-    $(BCB)\BIN\bcc32 $(CFLAG1) $(CFLAG2) -o$* $**
-    $(BCB)\BIN\brcc32 $(RFLAGS) $<