Get rid of the non-standard Ixxx_METHODS macro definitions, declare
the interfaces explicitly instead.

diff --git a/include/objbase.h b/include/objbase.h
index f92152e..fef8fc6 100644
--- a/include/objbase.h
+++ b/include/objbase.h
@@ -51,15 +51,20 @@
  * Let's take Direct3D as an example:
  *    #define INTERFACE IDirect3D
- *    #define IDirect3D_METHODS \
- *        IUnknown_METHODS \
- *        STDMETHOD(Initialize)(THIS_ REFIID) PURE; \
- *        STDMETHOD(CreateLight)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DLIGHT*, IUnknown*) PURE; \
- *        STDMETHOD(CreateMaterial)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DMATERIAL*, IUnknown*) PURE; \
- *        STDMETHOD(CreateViewport)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT*, IUnknown*) PURE; \
+ *    DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirect3D,IUnknown)
+ *    {
+ *        // *** IUnknown methods *** //
+ *        STDMETHOD_(HRESULT,QueryInterface)(THIS_ REFIID, void**) PURE;
+ *        STDMETHOD_(ULONG,Release)(THIS) PURE;
+ *        // *** IDirect3D methods *** //
+ *        STDMETHOD(Initialize)(THIS_ REFIID) PURE;
+ *        STDMETHOD(CreateLight)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DLIGHT *, IUnknown *) PURE;
+ *        STDMETHOD(CreateMaterial)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DMATERIAL *, IUnknown *) PURE;
+ *        STDMETHOD(CreateViewport)(THIS_ LPDIRECT3DVIEWPORT *, IUnknown *) PURE;
- *    DECLARE_INTERFACE_(IDirect3D,IUnknown) { IDirect3D_METHODS };
+ *    };
  *    #undef INTERFACE
  *    #ifdef COBJMACROS
@@ -82,12 +87,12 @@
  *    name everywhere. Note however that because of the way macros work, a macro like STDMETHOD
  *    cannot use 'INTERFACE##_VTABLE' because this would give 'INTERFACE_VTABLE' and not
  *    'IDirect3D_VTABLE'.
- *  - ICOM_METHODS defines the list of methods that are inheritable from this interface. It must
- *    be written manually (rather than using a macro to generate the equivalent code) to avoid
- *    macro recursion (which compilers don't like). It must start with the METHODS definition
- *    of the parent interface so that method inheritance works properly.
- *  - The DECLARE_INTERFACE finally declares all the structures necessary for the interface. We have
- *    to explicitly use the interface name for macro expansion reasons again.
+ *  - The DECLARE_INTERFACE declares all the structures necessary for the interface. We have to
+ *    explicitly use the interface name for macro expansion reasons again. It defines the list of
+ *    methods that are inheritable from this interface. It must be written manually (rather than
+ *    using a macro to generate the equivalent code) to avoid macro recursion (which compilers
+ *    don't like). It must start with the methods definition of the parent interface so that
+ *    method inheritance works properly.
  *  - The 'undef INTERFACE' is here to remind you that using INTERFACE in the following macros
  *    will not work.
  *  - Finally the set of 'IDirect3D_Xxx' macros is a standard set of macros defined to ease access
@@ -137,9 +142,7 @@
  *    the user needs to know to use the interface. Of course the structure we will define to
  *    implement this interface will have more fields but the first one will match this pointer.
  *  - The code generated by DECLARE_INTERFACE defines both the structure representing the interface and
- *    the structure for the jump table. DECLARE_INTERFACE uses the parent's Xxx_METHODS macro to
- *    automatically repeat the prototypes of all the inherited methods and then uses IDirect3D_METHODS
- *    to define the IDirect3D methods.
+ *    the structure for the jump table.
  *  - Each method is declared as a pointer to function field in the jump table. The implementation
  *    will fill this jump table with appropriate values, probably using a static variable, and
  *    initialize the lpVtbl field to point to this variable.