Removed @PROGEXT@ (it was broken anyway).
Improved 'make install'.
Cleaned up the main Makefile.
diff --git a/ b/
index 4d6c221..3167b89 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@
WINAPI_CHECK = $(TOPSRCDIR)/tools/winapi_check/winapi_check
-BUILD = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/build@PROGEXT@
-MAKEDEP = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/makedep@PROGEXT@
-WRC = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wrc/wrc@PROGEXT@
+BUILD = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/build
+MAKEDEP = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/makedep
+WRC = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wrc/wrc
WRCFLAGS = -c -s -p $*
-WMC = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wmc/wmc@PROGEXT@
+WMC = $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wmc/wmc
@@ -199,22 +199,22 @@
# Rule to rebuild the resource compiler
$(WRC) check_wrc:
- cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wrc && $(MAKE) wrc@PROGEXT@
+ cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wrc && $(MAKE) wrc
# Rule to rebuild the message compiler
$(WMC) check_wmc:
- cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wmc && $(MAKE) wmc@PROGEXT@
+ cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools/wmc && $(MAKE) wmc
# Rule to rebuild the 'makedep' program
$(MAKEDEP) check_makedep:
- cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools && $(MAKE) makedep@PROGEXT@
+ cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools && $(MAKE) makedep
# Rule to rebuild the 'build' program
$(BUILD) checkbuild:
- cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools && $(MAKE) build@PROGEXT@
+ cd $(TOPOBJDIR)/tools && $(MAKE) build
# Rule for main module
@@ -272,6 +272,14 @@
clean:: $(SUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__) $(EXTRASUBDIRS:%=%/__clean__)
+# Rules for installing
+$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__install__): dummy
+ cd `dirname $@` && $(MAKE) install
+$(SUBDIRS:%=%/__uninstall__): dummy
+ cd `dirname $@` && $(MAKE) uninstall
# Misc. rules
$(SPEC_SRCS:.spec=.spec.c): $(BUILD) $(TOPSRCDIR)/include/builtin16.h $(TOPSRCDIR)/include/builtin32.h