winapi_extract: --spec-files has been broken for a long time and does not seem to be useful so remove it.
diff --git a/tools/winapi/winapi_extract b/tools/winapi/winapi_extract
index 7c4a394..a7608c1 100755
--- a/tools/winapi/winapi_extract
+++ b/tools/winapi/winapi_extract
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
use winapi_function;
use vars qw($win16api $win32api @winapis);
-if ($options->spec_files || $options->implemented || $options->stub_statistics || $options->winetest) {
+if ($options->implemented || $options->stub_statistics || $options->winetest) {
require winapi;
import winapi qw($win16api $win32api @winapis);
my %module2entries;
my %module2spec_file;
-if($options->spec_files || $options->winetest) {
+if($options->winetest) {
local $_;
foreach my $spec_file (get_spec_files("winelib")) {
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
my @c_files = ();
-if($options->spec_files || $options->pseudo_implemented || $options->pseudo_stub_statistics) {
+if($options->pseudo_implemented || $options->pseudo_stub_statistics) {
@c_files = $options->c_files;
@c_files = files_skip(@c_files);
@c_files = files_filter("winelib", @c_files);
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@
- if($options->spec_files || $options->winetest) {
+ if($options->winetest) {
@@ -445,108 +445,6 @@
-if($options->spec_files) {
- foreach my $winapi (@winapis) {
- my $type = $winapi->name;
- if($type eq "win16" && !$options->win16) { next; }
- if($type eq "win32" && !$options->win32) { next; }
- foreach my $module ($winapi->all_modules) {
- my $spec_file = $module2spec_file{$module};
- if(!defined($spec_file) || !defined($type)) {
- $output->write("$module: doesn't exist\n");
- next;
- }
- $spec_file .= "2";
- $output->progress("$spec_file");
- open(OUT, "> $wine_dir/$spec_file") || die "Error: Can't open $wine_dir/$spec_file: $!\n";
- if(exists($specifications{$module}{init})) {
- my $function = $specifications{$module}{init}{function};
- print OUT "init " . $function->internal_name . "\n";
- }
- print OUT "\n";
- my %debug_channels;
- if(exists($specifications{$module}{init})) {
- my $function = $specifications{$module}{init}{function};
- foreach my $debug_channel (@{$function->debug_channels}) {
- $debug_channels{$debug_channel}++;
- }
- }
- foreach my $ordinal (sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%{$specifications{$module}{fixed}})) {
- my $function = $specifications{$module}{fixed}{$ordinal}{function};
- foreach my $debug_channel (@{$function->debug_channels}) {
- $debug_channels{$debug_channel}++;
- }
- }
- foreach my $name (sort(keys(%{$specifications{$module}{unfixed}}))) {
- my $function = $specifications{$module}{unfixed}{$name}{function};
- foreach my $debug_channel (@{$function->debug_channels}) {
- $debug_channels{$debug_channel}++;
- }
- }
- foreach my $name (sort(keys(%{$specifications{$module}{unknown}}))) {
- my $function = $specifications{$module}{unknown}{$name}{function};
- foreach my $debug_channel (@{$function->debug_channels}) {
- $debug_channels{$debug_channel}++;
- }
- }
- my @debug_channels = sort(keys(%debug_channels));
- if($#debug_channels >= 0) {
- print OUT "debug_channels (" . join(" ", @debug_channels) . ")\n";
- print OUT "\n";
- }
- my $empty = 1;
- if(!$empty) {
- print OUT "\n";
- $empty = 1;
- }
- foreach my $external_name (sort(keys(%{$specifications{$module}{unknown}}))) {
- my $entry = $specifications{$module}{unknown}{$external_name};
- my $ordinal = $entry->{ordinal};
- my $function = $entry->{function};
- print OUT "# ";
- output_function(\*OUT, $type, $ordinal, $external_name, $function);
- $empty = 0;
- }
- if(!$empty) {
- print OUT "\n";
- $empty = 1;
- }
- foreach my $ordinal (sort {$a <=> $b} keys(%{$specifications{$module}{fixed}})) {
- my $entry = $specifications{$module}{fixed}{$ordinal};
- my $external_name = $entry->{external_name};
- my $function = $entry->{function};
- output_function(\*OUT, $type, $ordinal, $external_name, $function);
- $empty = 0;
- }
- if(!$empty) {
- print OUT "\n";
- $empty = 1;
- }
- foreach my $external_name (sort(keys(%{$specifications{$module}{unfixed}}))) {
- my $entry = $specifications{$module}{unfixed}{$external_name};
- my $ordinal = $entry->{ordinal};
- my $function = $entry->{function};
- output_function(\*OUT, $type, $ordinal, $external_name, $function);
- $empty = 0;
- }
- close(OUT);
- }
- }
if($options->stub_statistics) {
foreach my $winapi (@winapis) {
my $type = $winapi->name;