Win32 register functions can now have arguments.
Simplified relay debugging for register functions.
diff --git a/relay32/builtin32.c b/relay32/builtin32.c
index 26a15be..c82c124 100644
--- a/relay32/builtin32.c
+++ b/relay32/builtin32.c
@@ -145,6 +145,7 @@
extern void RELAY_CallFrom32();
+extern void RELAY_CallFrom32Regs();
* BUILTIN32_DoLoadImage
@@ -362,29 +363,25 @@
- case 0xfe: /* register func */
- debug->call = 0xe8;
- debug->callfrom32 = (DWORD)dll->descr->functions[i] -
- (DWORD)&debug->ret;
- debug->ret = 0x90; /* nop */
- debug->args = 0;
- *funcs = (LPVOID)((BYTE *)debug - addr);
- break;
case 0xfd: /* forward */
case 0xff: /* stub or extern */
- default: /* normal function (stdcall or cdecl) */
+ default: /* normal function (stdcall or cdecl or register) */
if (TRACE_ON(relay)) {
debug->call = 0xe8; /* lcall relative */
- debug->callfrom32 = (DWORD)RELAY_CallFrom32 -
- (DWORD)&debug->ret;
+ if (args & 0x40) /* register func */
+ debug->callfrom32 = (DWORD)RELAY_CallFrom32Regs -
+ (DWORD)&debug->ret;
+ else
+ debug->callfrom32 = (DWORD)RELAY_CallFrom32 -
+ (DWORD)&debug->ret;
} else {
debug->call = 0xe9; /* ljmp relative */
debug->callfrom32 = (DWORD)dll->descr->functions[i] -
debug->ret = (args & 0x80) ? 0xc3 : 0xc2; /*ret/ret $n*/
- debug->args = (args & 0x7f) * sizeof(int);
+ debug->args = (args & 0x3f) * sizeof(int);
*funcs = (LPVOID)((BYTE *)debug - addr);
diff --git a/relay32/kernel32.spec b/relay32/kernel32.spec
index 186c66d..d3df4e9 100644
--- a/relay32/kernel32.spec
+++ b/relay32/kernel32.spec
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@
698 stdcall UTRegister(long str str str ptr ptr ptr) UTRegister
699 stdcall UTUnRegister(long) UTUnRegister
700 stdcall UnMapLS(long) UnMapLS
-701 register UnMapSLFixArray() UnMapSLFixArray
+701 register UnMapSLFixArray(long long) UnMapSLFixArray
702 stdcall UnhandledExceptionFilter(ptr) UnhandledExceptionFilter
703 stdcall UninitializeCriticalSection(ptr) UninitializeCriticalSection
704 stdcall UnlockFile(long long long long long) UnlockFile
@@ -926,3 +926,8 @@
#1599 wrong ordinal (249 in Win32s's W32SCOMB.DLL) !
1599 stdcall Get16DLLAddress(long str) Get16DLLAddress
+# Wine internal functions
+1600 register SNOOP_Entry() SNOOP_Entry
+1601 register SNOOP_Return() SNOOP_Return
+1602 register RELAY_CallFrom32Regs() RELAY_CallFrom32Regs
diff --git a/relay32/relay386.c b/relay32/relay386.c
index ef96419..a783218 100644
--- a/relay32/relay386.c
+++ b/relay32/relay386.c
@@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
#include "winnt.h"
#include "builtin32.h"
#include "selectors.h"
+#include "stackframe.h"
#include "debugstr.h"
-#include "debug.h"
#include "main.h"
+#include "debugtools.h"
@@ -59,6 +60,29 @@
return 1;
+ * RELAY_PrintArgs
+ */
+static inline void RELAY_PrintArgs( int *args, int nb_args, unsigned int typemask )
+ while (nb_args--)
+ {
+ if ((typemask & 3) && HIWORD(*args))
+ {
+ if (typemask & 2)
+ DPRINTF( "%08x L%s", *args, debugstr_w((LPWSTR)*args) );
+ else
+ DPRINTF( "%08x %s", *args, debugstr_a((LPCSTR)*args) );
+ }
+ else DPRINTF( "%08x", *args );
+ if (nb_args) DPRINTF( "," );
+ args++;
+ typemask >>= 2;
+ }
* RELAY_CallFrom32
@@ -71,36 +95,23 @@
int RELAY_CallFrom32( int ret_addr, ... )
- int i, ret;
+ int ret;
char buffer[80];
+ unsigned int typemask;
- unsigned int mask, typemask;
WORD fs;
- int *args = &ret_addr;
+ int *args = &ret_addr + 1;
/* Relay addr is the return address for this function */
- BYTE *relay_addr = (BYTE *)args[-1];
+ BYTE *relay_addr = (BYTE *)__builtin_return_address(0);
WORD nb_args = *(WORD *)(relay_addr + 1) / sizeof(int);
- func = (FARPROC)BUILTIN32_GetEntryPoint( buffer, relay_addr - 5,
- &typemask );
- DPRINTF( "Call %s(", buffer );
- args++;
- for (i = 0, mask = 3; i < nb_args; i++, mask <<= 2)
- {
- if (i) DPRINTF( "," );
- if ((typemask & mask) && HIWORD(args[i]))
- {
- if (typemask & (2<<(2*i)))
- DPRINTF( "%08x L%s", args[i], debugstr_w((LPWSTR)args[i]) );
- else
- DPRINTF( "%08x %s", args[i], debugstr_a((LPCSTR)args[i]) );
- }
- else DPRINTF( "%08x", args[i] );
- }
- GET_FS( fs );
- DPRINTF( ") ret=%08x fs=%04x\n", ret_addr, fs );
+ func = (FARPROC)BUILTIN32_GetEntryPoint( buffer, relay_addr - 5, &typemask );
+ DPRINTF( "Call %s(", buffer );
+ RELAY_PrintArgs( args, nb_args, typemask );
+ GET_FS( fs );
+ DPRINTF( ") ret=%08x fs=%04x\n", ret_addr, fs );
if (*relay_addr == 0xc3) /* cdecl */
@@ -141,8 +152,7 @@
args[12],args[13],args[14],args[15]); break;
- ERR(relay, "Unsupported nb args %d\n",
- nb_args );
+ ERR( "Unsupported nb of args %d\n", nb_args );
@@ -184,7 +194,7 @@
args[12],args[13],args[14],args[15]); break;
- ERR(relay, "Unsupported nb args %d\n",nb_args );
+ ERR( "Unsupported nb of args %d\n", nb_args );
@@ -197,101 +207,94 @@
* RELAY_CallFrom32Regs
- * 'context' contains the register contents at the point of call of
- * the REG_ENTRY_POINT. The stack layout of the stack pointed to by
- * ESP_reg(&context) is as follows:
+ * Stack layout (esp is ESP_reg(context), not the current %esp):
- * If debugmsg(relay) is OFF:
- * ... ...
- * (esp+4) args
+ * ...
+ * (esp+4) first arg
* (esp) return addr to caller
- * (esp-4) function entry point
- *
- * If debugmsg(relay) is ON:
- * ... ...
- * (esp+8) args
- * (esp+4) return addr to caller
- * (esp) return addr to DEBUG_ENTRY_POINT
- * (esp-4) function entry point
- *
- * As the called function might change the stack layout
- * (e.g. FT_Prolog, FT_ExitNN), we remove all modifications to the stack,
- * so that the called function sees (in both cases):
- *
- * ... ...
- * (esp+4) args
- * (esp) return addr to caller
+ * (esp-4) return addr to DEBUG_ENTRY_POINT
+ * (esp-8) ptr to relay entry code for RELAY_CallFrom32Regs
* ... >128 bytes space free to be modified (ensured by the assembly glue)
- *
- * NOTE: This routine makes no assumption about the relative position of
- * its own stack to the stack pointed to by ESP_reg(&context),
- * except that the latter must have >128 bytes space to grow.
- * This means the assembly glue could even switch stacks completely
- * (e.g. to allow for large stacks).
- *
-void RELAY_CallFrom32Regs( CONTEXT context )
+void WINAPI REGS_FUNC(RELAY_CallFrom32Regs)( CONTEXT *context )
- typedef void (CALLBACK *entry_point_t)(CONTEXT *);
- entry_point_t entry_point = *(entry_point_t*) (ESP_reg(&context) - 4);
+ unsigned int typemask;
+ char buffer[80];
+ int* args;
+ FARPROC func;
+ BYTE *entry_point;
+ BYTE *relay_addr = *((BYTE **)ESP_reg(context) - 1);
+ WORD nb_args = *(WORD *)(relay_addr + 1) / sizeof(int);
- if (!TRACE_ON(relay))
+ /* remove extra stuff from the stack */
+ EIP_reg(context) = STACK32_POP(context);
+ args = (int *)ESP_reg(context);
+ ESP_reg(context) += 4 * nb_args;
+ assert(TRACE_ON(relay));
+ entry_point = (BYTE *)BUILTIN32_GetEntryPoint( buffer, relay_addr - 5, &typemask );
+ assert( *entry_point == 0xe8 /* lcall */ );
+ func = *(FARPROC *)(entry_point + 5);
+ DPRINTF( "Call %s(", buffer );
+ RELAY_PrintArgs( args, nb_args, typemask );
+ DPRINTF( ") ret=%08lx fs=%04lx\n", EIP_reg(context), FS_reg(context) );
+ DPRINTF(" eax=%08lx ebx=%08lx ecx=%08lx edx=%08lx esi=%08lx edi=%08lx\n",
+ EAX_reg(context), EBX_reg(context), ECX_reg(context),
+ EDX_reg(context), ESI_reg(context), EDI_reg(context) );
+ DPRINTF(" ebp=%08lx esp=%08lx ds=%04lx es=%04lx gs=%04lx flags=%08lx\n",
+ EBP_reg(context), ESP_reg(context), DS_reg(context),
+ ES_reg(context), GS_reg(context), EFL_reg(context) );
+ /* Now call the real function */
+ switch(nb_args)
- /* Simply call the entry point */
- entry_point( &context );
+ case 0: func(context); break;
+ case 1: func(args[0],context); break;
+ case 2: func(args[0],args[1],context); break;
+ case 3: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],context); break;
+ case 4: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],context); break;
+ case 5: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],context); break;
+ case 6: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],context); break;
+ case 7: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],context); break;
+ case 8: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],context); break;
+ case 9: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],
+ context); break;
+ case 10: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],
+ args[9],context); break;
+ case 11: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],
+ args[9],args[10],context); break;
+ case 12: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],
+ args[9],args[10],args[11],context); break;
+ case 13: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],
+ args[9],args[10],args[11],args[12],context); break;
+ case 14: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],
+ args[9],args[10],args[11],args[12],args[13],context); break;
+ case 15: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5],args[6],args[7],args[8],
+ args[9],args[10],args[11],args[12],args[13],args[14],context); break;
+ case 16: func(args[0],args[1],args[2],args[3],args[4],args[5], args[6],args[7],args[8],
+ args[9],args[10],args[11],args[12],args[13],args[14],args[15],context); break;
+ default:
+ ERR( "Unsupported nb of args %d\n", nb_args );
+ assert(FALSE);
- else
- {
- char buffer[80];
- unsigned int typemask;
- BYTE *relay_addr;
- /*
- * Fixup the context structure because of the extra parameter
- * pushed by the relay debugging code.
- * Note that this implicitly does a RET on the CALL from the
- * DEBUG_ENTRY_POINT to the REG_ENTRY_POINT; setting the EIP register
- * ensures that the assembly glue will directly return to the
- * caller, just as in the non-debugging case.
- */
- relay_addr = *(BYTE **) ESP_reg(&context);
- if (BUILTIN32_GetEntryPoint( buffer, relay_addr - 5, &typemask )) {
- /* correct win32 spec generated register function found.
- * remove extra call stuff from stack
- */
- ESP_reg(&context) += sizeof(BYTE *);
- EIP_reg(&context) = *(DWORD *)ESP_reg(&context);
- DPRINTF("Call %s(regs) ret=%08x\n", buffer, *(int *)ESP_reg(&context) );
- DPRINTF(" EAX=%08lx EBX=%08lx ECX=%08lx EDX=%08lx ESI=%08lx EDI=%08lx\n",
- EAX_reg(&context), EBX_reg(&context), ECX_reg(&context),
- EDX_reg(&context), ESI_reg(&context), EDI_reg(&context) );
- DPRINTF(" EBP=%08lx ESP=%08lx EIP=%08lx DS=%04lx ES=%04lx FS=%04lx GS=%04lx EFL=%08lx\n",
- EBP_reg(&context), ESP_reg(&context), EIP_reg(&context),
- DS_reg(&context), ES_reg(&context), FS_reg(&context),
- GS_reg(&context), EFL_reg(&context) );
- /* Now call the real function */
- entry_point( &context );
- DPRINTF("Ret %s() retval=regs ret=%08x\n", buffer, *(int *)ESP_reg(&context) );
- DPRINTF(" EAX=%08lx EBX=%08lx ECX=%08lx EDX=%08lx ESI=%08lx EDI=%08lx\n",
- EAX_reg(&context), EBX_reg(&context), ECX_reg(&context),
- EDX_reg(&context), ESI_reg(&context), EDI_reg(&context) );
- DPRINTF(" EBP=%08lx ESP=%08lx EIP=%08lx DS=%04lx ES=%04lx FS=%04lx GS=%04lx EFL=%08lx\n",
- EBP_reg(&context), ESP_reg(&context), EIP_reg(&context),
- DS_reg(&context), ES_reg(&context), FS_reg(&context),
- GS_reg(&context), EFL_reg(&context) );
- } else
- /* WINE internal register function found. Do not remove anything.
- * Do not print any debuginfo (it is not a normal relayed one).
- * Currently only used for snooping.
- */
- entry_point( &context );
- }
+ DPRINTF( "Ret %s() retval=%08lx ret=%08lx fs=%04lx\n",
+ buffer, EAX_reg(context), EIP_reg(context), FS_reg(context) );
+ DPRINTF(" eax=%08lx ebx=%08lx ecx=%08lx edx=%08lx esi=%08lx edi=%08lx\n",
+ EAX_reg(context), EBX_reg(context), ECX_reg(context),
+ EDX_reg(context), ESI_reg(context), EDI_reg(context) );
+ DPRINTF(" ebp=%08lx esp=%08lx ds=%04lx es=%04lx gs=%04lx flags=%08lx\n",
+ EBP_reg(context), ESP_reg(context), DS_reg(context),
+ ES_reg(context), GS_reg(context), EFL_reg(context) );
+#else /* __i386__ */
#endif /* __i386__ */
diff --git a/relay32/snoop.c b/relay32/snoop.c
index 7950984..afc7392 100644
--- a/relay32/snoop.c
+++ b/relay32/snoop.c
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
char **debug_snoop_excludelist = NULL, **debug_snoop_includelist = NULL;
+extern void SNOOP_Entry();
+extern void SNOOP_Return();
#ifdef __i386__
@@ -31,27 +34,6 @@
# define PREFIX
-/* Well, not exactly extern since they are in the same file (in the lines
- * below). But the C Compiler doesn't see them there, so we have to help a bit.
- */
-extern void SNOOP_Return();
-extern void SNOOP_Entry();
-__asm__(".align 4\n\t"
- ".globl "PREFIX"SNOOP_Entry\n\t"
- ".type "PREFIX"SNOOP_Entry,@function\n\t"
- PREFIX"SNOOP_Entry:\n\t"
- "pushl $"PREFIX"__regs_SNOOP_Entry\n\t"
- "pushl $"PREFIX"CALL32_Regs\n\t"
- "ret\n\t"
- ".align 4\n\t"
- ".globl "PREFIX"SNOOP_Return\n\t"
- ".type "PREFIX"SNOOP_Return,@function\n\t"
- PREFIX"SNOOP_Return:\n\t"
- "pushl $"PREFIX"__regs_SNOOP_Return\n\t"
- "pushl $"PREFIX"CALL32_Regs\n\t"
- "ret"
#include "pshpack1.h"
typedef struct tagSNOOP_FUN {
@@ -267,8 +249,9 @@
return buf;
-#define CALLER1REF (*(DWORD*)(ESP_reg(context)+4))
+#define CALLER1REF (*(DWORD*)ESP_reg(context))
+void WINAPI REGS_FUNC(SNOOP_Entry)( CONTEXT *context )
DWORD ordinal=0,entry = EIP_reg(context)-5;
SNOOP_DLL *dll = firstdll;
@@ -336,18 +319,19 @@
if (fun->nrofargs>0) {
max = fun->nrofargs; if (max>16) max=16;
for (i=0;i<max;i++)
- DPRINTF("%s%s",SNOOP_PrintArg(*(DWORD*)(ESP_reg(context)+8+sizeof(DWORD)*i)),(i<fun->nrofargs-1)?",":"");
+ DPRINTF("%s%s",SNOOP_PrintArg(*(DWORD*)(ESP_reg(context)+4+sizeof(DWORD)*i)),(i<fun->nrofargs-1)?",":"");
if (max!=fun->nrofargs)
DPRINTF(" ...");
} else if (fun->nrofargs<0) {
DPRINTF("<unknown, check return>");
ret->args = HeapAlloc(SystemHeap,0,16*sizeof(DWORD));
- memcpy(ret->args,(LPBYTE)(ESP_reg(context)+8),sizeof(DWORD)*16);
+ memcpy(ret->args,(LPBYTE)(ESP_reg(context)+4),sizeof(DWORD)*16);
DPRINTF(") ret=%08lx fs=%04lx\n",(DWORD)ret->origreturn,FS_reg(context));
+void WINAPI REGS_FUNC(SNOOP_Return)( CONTEXT *context )
/* We haven't found out the nrofargs yet. If we called a cdecl
@@ -388,4 +372,8 @@
FARPROC SNOOP_GetProcAddress(HMODULE hmod,LPCSTR name,DWORD ordinal,FARPROC origfun) {
return origfun;
#endif /* !__i386__ */
diff --git a/tools/build.c b/tools/build.c
index 1971212..4ea11ba 100644
--- a/tools/build.c
+++ b/tools/build.c
@@ -458,12 +458,6 @@
odp->u.func.arg_types[i] = '\0';
if ((odp->type == TYPE_STDCALL) && !i)
odp->type = TYPE_CDECL; /* stdcall is the same as cdecl for 0 args */
- if ((odp->type == TYPE_REGISTER) && (SpecType == SPEC_WIN32) && i)
- {
- fprintf( stderr, "%s:%d: register functions cannot have arguments in Win32\n",
- SpecName, Line );
- return -1;
- }
strcpy(odp->u.func.link_name, GetToken());
return 0;
@@ -1074,11 +1068,13 @@
" \".globl " PREFIX "%s\\n\\t\"\n"
" \".type " PREFIX "%s,@function\\n\\t\"\n"
" \"" PREFIX "%s:\\n\\t\"\n"
- " \"pushl $" PREFIX "__regs_%s\\n\\t\"\n"
- " \"pushl $" PREFIX "CALL32_Regs\\n\\t\"\n"
- " \"ret\");\n",
+ " \"call " PREFIX "CALL32_Regs\\n\\t\"\n"
+ " \".long " PREFIX "__regs_%s\\n\\t\"\n"
+ " \".byte %d,%d\");\n",
odp->u.func.link_name, odp->u.func.link_name,
- odp->u.func.link_name, odp->u.func.link_name );
+ odp->u.func.link_name, odp->u.func.link_name,
+ 4 * strlen(odp->u.func.arg_types),
+ 4 * strlen(odp->u.func.arg_types) );
fprintf( outfile, "#ifndef __GNUC__\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "}\n" );
@@ -1173,7 +1169,8 @@
for (i = Base, odp = OrdinalDefinitions + Base; i <= Limit; i++, odp++)
unsigned int j, mask = 0;
- if ((odp->type == TYPE_STDCALL) || (odp->type == TYPE_CDECL))
+ if ((odp->type == TYPE_STDCALL) || (odp->type == TYPE_CDECL) ||
+ (odp->type == TYPE_REGISTER))
for (j = 0; odp->u.func.arg_types[j]; j++)
if (odp->u.func.arg_types[j] == 't') mask |= 1<< (j*2);
@@ -1211,12 +1208,12 @@
args = 0x80 | (unsigned char)strlen(odp->u.func.arg_types);
+ args = 0x40 | (unsigned char)strlen(odp->u.func.arg_types);
+ break;
args = 0xfd;
- args = 0xfe;
- break;
args = 0xff;
@@ -2542,15 +2539,25 @@
* 'args' is the number of dword arguments.
* Stack layout:
- * ... ...
- * (esp+336) ret addr (or relay addr when debugging(relay) is on)
- * (esp+332) entry point
- * (esp+204) buffer area to allow stack frame manipulation
- * (esp+0) CONTEXT struct
+ * ...
+ * (ebp+12) first arg
+ * (ebp+8) ret addr to user code
+ * (ebp+4) ret addr to relay code
+ * (ebp+0) saved ebp
+ * (ebp-128) buffer area to allow stack frame manipulation
+ * (ebp-332) CONTEXT struct
+ * (ebp-336) CONTEXT *argument
+ * .... other arguments copied from (ebp+12)
+ *
+ * The entry point routine is called with a CONTEXT* extra argument,
+ * following the normal args. In this context structure, EIP_reg
+ * contains the return address to user code, and ESP_reg the stack
+ * pointer on return (with the return address and arguments already
+ * removed).
static void BuildCallFrom32Regs( FILE *outfile )
-#define STACK_SPACE 128
+ static const int STACK_SPACE = 128 + sizeof(CONTEXT);
/* Function header */
@@ -2562,85 +2569,102 @@
fprintf( outfile, PREFIX "CALL32_Regs:\n" );
/* Allocate some buffer space on the stack */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%ebp\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%esp,%%ebp\n ");
fprintf( outfile, "\tleal -%d(%%esp), %%esp\n", STACK_SPACE );
/* Build the context structure */
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushw $0\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\t.byte 0x66\n\tpushl %%ss\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%eax\n" ); /* %esp place holder */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Eax) - STACK_SPACE );
fprintf( outfile, "\tpushfl\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushw $0\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\t.byte 0x66\n\tpushl %%cs\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %d(%%esp)\n", 16+STACK_SPACE+4 ); /* %eip at time of call */
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%ebp\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%ecx\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%edx\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%ebx\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%esi\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%edi\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%eax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(EFlags) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl 0(%%ebp),%%eax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Ebp) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%ebx,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Ebx) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%ecx,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Ecx) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%edx,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Edx) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%esi,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Esi) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%edi,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Edi) - STACK_SPACE );
fprintf( outfile, "\txorl %%eax,%%eax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ds,%%ax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%cs,%%ax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(SegCs) - STACK_SPACE );
fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%es,%%ax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(SegEs) - STACK_SPACE );
fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%fs,%%ax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(SegFs) - STACK_SPACE );
fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%gs,%%ax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(SegGs) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ss,%%ax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(SegSs) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ds,%%ax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(SegDs) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ax,%%es\n" ); /* set %es equal to %ds just in case */
- fprintf( outfile, "\tleal -%d(%%esp),%%esp\n",
- sizeof(FLOATING_SAVE_AREA) + 6 * sizeof(DWORD) /* DR regs */ );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl $0x0001001f\n" ); /* ContextFlags */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl $0x%x,%%eax\n", CONTEXT_FULL );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(ContextFlags) - STACK_SPACE );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tfsave %d(%%esp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(FloatSave) );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl 8(%%ebp),%%eax\n" ); /* Get %eip at time of call */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Eip) - STACK_SPACE );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tleal %d(%%esp),%%eax\n",
- sizeof(CONTEXT) + STACK_SPACE + 4 ); /* %esp at time of call */
- fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%esp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Esp) );
+ /* Transfer the arguments */
- fprintf( outfile, "\tcall " PREFIX "RELAY_CallFrom32Regs\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl 4(%%ebp),%%ebx\n" ); /* get relay code addr */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%esp\n" ); /* push ptr to context struct */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovzbl 4(%%ebx),%%ecx\n" ); /* fetch number of args to copy */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tjecxz 1f\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tsubl %%ecx,%%esp\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tleal 12(%%ebp),%%esi\n" ); /* get %esp at time of call */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%esp,%%edi\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tshrl $2,%%ecx\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tcld\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\trep\n\tmovsl\n" ); /* copy args */
+ fprintf( outfile, "1:\tmovzbl 5(%%ebx),%%eax\n" ); /* fetch number of args to remove */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tleal 12(%%ebp,%%eax),%%eax\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,%d(%%ebp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Esp) - STACK_SPACE );
+ /* Call the entry point */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tcall *0(%%ebx)\n" );
+ /* Store %eip and %ebp onto the new stack */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%edx\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Esp) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%eax\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Eip) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,-4(%%edx)\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%eax\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Ebp) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,-8(%%edx)\n" );
/* Restore the context structure */
- fprintf( outfile, "\tfrstor %d(%%esp)\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(FloatSave) );
- /* Store %eip value onto the new stack */
- fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%esp),%%eax\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Eip) );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%esp),%%ebx\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Esp) );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %%eax,0(%%ebx)\n" );
- /* Restore all registers */
- fprintf( outfile, "\tleal %d(%%esp),%%esp\n",
- sizeof(FLOATING_SAVE_AREA) + 7 * sizeof(DWORD) );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%eax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ax,%%gs\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%eax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ax,%%fs\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%eax\n" );
+ /* Note: we don't bother to restore %cs, %ds and %ss
+ * changing them in 32-bit code is a recipe for disaster anyway
+ */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%eax\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(SegEs) - STACK_SPACE );
fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ax,%%es\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%eax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ax,%%ds\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%eax\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(SegFs) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ax,%%fs\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%eax\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(SegGs) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovw %%ax,%%gs\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%edi\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%esi\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%ebx\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%edx\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%ecx\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%eax\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%ebp\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tleal 8(%%esp),%%esp\n" ); /* skip %eip and %cs */
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%edi\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Edi) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%esi\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Esi) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%edx\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Edx) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%ecx\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Ecx) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%ebx\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Ebx) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%eax\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(EFlags) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tpushl %%eax\n" );
fprintf( outfile, "\tpopfl\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%esp\n" );
- fprintf( outfile, "\tret\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%eax\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Eax) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tmovl %d(%%ebp),%%ebp\n", CONTEXTOFFSET(Esp) - STACK_SPACE );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tleal -8(%%ebp),%%esp\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tpopl %%ebp\n" );
+ fprintf( outfile, "\tret\n" );